How do I access the amenities of the building at Livmore ?

Most of our amenities are located on the 4th floor. This includes co-working spaces, movie theater, lounge, wine room, secret room, yoga studio, pool, sauna, gym, and outdoor terrace.


Amenities can be booked in the rental cafeteria/resident portal. Business hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  to 11 p.m. every day.


- The wine room is rented at $25/month.
- The secret room is rented for individual or simultaneous parties/meetings at $100/hour and a minimum of 3 hours per room.
- Storage lockers are rented at $50/month. Please note that guests or corporate stays will need to provide their own lock.

On the second floor there is also the dog spa where you can wash your pet and take them out to the dog run. (Please note that all dogs must be on a leash when in the building except when using the dog run and of course they must pick up after their pet).


If you have guests who would like to take advantage of the rental options, contact the building to sign the rental agreement and the fee is paid on the resident portal.