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- Toronto Ontario, Canada
- Studio on Richmond
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General Frequently Asked Questions
New Brunswick
How do I access the parking garage at Studio on RIchmond?
Studio and Studio 2 share a parking garage accessed from Twilight Lane.
All Studio on Richmond parking spots are in RED. Do not park in black spots.
Follow the 'P' signs to the Twilight Laneway East of the building. There is a garage door that reads 'PUBLIC PARKING' in green. The garage door will open automatically when approached. Drive down into the garage and enter the RESIDENT GARAGE using your garage remote attached to your apartment key ring.
Once you have found your parking space, you will need to locate the STUDIO2 elevators and use the fob to access.
There is no garage remote, the guest can use the buzzer intercom system near the garage door and tell the security guard his name and unit #. They will open the door remotely. To exit the garage, all the doors are automatic via sensors.