What should I do in response to the deposit request?

Every guest receives departure instructions email with a link to fill in order to claim their security deposit. Most guests do not read it thoroughly and immediately begin to write emails, resulting in a large number of emails back and forth:

This is the procedure:


  1. The deposit is claimed by the guest via this link:https://shop.corporatestays.com/claim-your-security-deposit-back/ 
  2. Their data is added to the document that accounting and operations share.
  3. Following the completion of the departure inspection and cleaning, the operations of the relevant market approve the deposit, and accounting processes the deposit as soon as it is received.

Concierge or Reservations Action: Acknowledge the request with joy, but question in your response if they have submitted the claim form for the deposit? The refund may take 3-7 business days. If they have not completed the deposit form which was included in their departure instructions.


You can simply share this URL to close the request from your end, and you don't need to include the accounting:
